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$7,300.00 $1,825.00
(You save $5,475.00)

Please read full description as well as the Policy/Terms in the website before ordering.   There are no refunds on downloadable digital files, even if you have not downloaded your order -- no exceptions.

This offer is for the OSNA (One Song Needle Arts) Pattern Collection - originally offered in March of 2022.   SPECIAL CREDIT OFFER - SEE BELOW!!!!!

Please note, there are no JPG images or PDF catalog of the base Collection offer - the JPG catalog is to be ordered separately. 

Patterns included:    ALL patterns in this website are included in this Collection.  Patterns sold in previous OSNA/Digi-Tech websites that have been retired are not included in this Collection.  If a pattern is not shown in this website, it is not included in this Collection.  Retired patterns are no longer available for purchase.

UPDATES:  As new patterns are added to the OSNA website, they will be included in this Collection and the price will increase accordingly. 

File formats included:  Statler-coded DXF and QLI and IntelliQuilter IQP.    JPG images are NOT included - see separate Catalog posting.  Note:  Statler-coded DXF files are not the same as standard DXF and will not work as DXF files for most quilting systems.  See more information regarding the file formats offered.   Files are guaranteed for Statler and IntelliQuilter systems only.

Non-Statler use of the QLI files:  Systems such as HQ-ProStitcher and QuiltPath are known to successfully use the Statler QLI files.  However, because the file formats specific for these systems are not offered, there are no guarantees for successful use of Statler QLI for any system.  It is advised to purchase and test patterns before purchasing the entire Collection as well as consult with other users of your system as to any incompatibility issues you may experience.  Art & Stitch or other conversion programs may be used to convert files, but OSNA cannot guarantee successful conversion or use.  You may convert files for yourself only and may not share, etc. converted files.  You may not have anyone else convert files for you - this is considered file sharing and is prohibited.   See Policies/Terms page for more information or write to OSNA.

SPECIAL CREDIT OFFER All pattern purchases in this website, dating back to April 15, 2019, are eligible for a credit against the Collection price.  Catalog purchases are NOT included in this offer.  Purchases prior to April 14, 2019 are not eligible for credit and will not be shown in your Account.  This is a limited time offer - a notice will be given via newsletter and posted in the website before this offer ends.  It is the intention of OSNA to continue the "credit" offer at least into the year 2023, after which time the Collection will be offered at a flat rate (no credit may be used).


1.  Direct Purchase:   Put Collection in your shopping cart and process payment as usual (PayPal or charge card).  If you have purchased patterns in this website since April 15, 2019, you will have earned credit to apply against the Collection price.  See your Account to total your past orders (also read the messages in your Account which may indicate any discount coupons not used and refunds not reflected in your totals).   Once order and payment is processed, OSNA will check your Account and issue any refunds on your payment method within 48 hours, if you have made purchases since 4/15/19.  You may download your order once your payment is processed.

2.   Contact OSNA to request a special coupon code to apply in your shopping cart which will reflect your Credit total.  These coupons are valid for only 4 days - do not request the coupon until you are ready to make your Collection purchase.   Each coupon is made individually for your Account and reflects your past purchases back to April 15, 2019.   Once you purchase the Collection and process your payment (using your coupon), your order will be ready to download immediately from your Account.

The separate purchase of the JPG Catalog that goes with this Collection is not included in the SPECIAL CREDIT OFFER.  

COPYRIGHT:  Please read Policies/Terms regarding copyright laws.   Violating copyright laws for downloadable digital files is not tolerated and will be prosecuted.  Please be respectful of all copyright laws, whether specifically noted in this website or not.   Patterns, whether singles or this full Collection are not transferable to another person.  In other words, you may not provide this Collection with your quilting system or embroidery machine, if you are retaining a copy of the patterns, in full or in part. 

Over-payment:  If you are gradually building your orders through time toward purchasing this full Collection, please do not exceed the current sale price at the time of your purchase, as refunds are not being given on over-payments.   If you have already purchased more than the Collection sale price, in this website as of April 15, 2019, you will receive this Collection free of charge.  Please write to OSNA for further information.

Questions:  Please write to OSNA with any questions and I will respond as quickly as possible. 

Terms are subject to change or update at any time.